New Orchid Is Found

→  April 5, 2010 2

(Thanks for Angka Mustafa for sharing this) Researcher from LIPI, Destario Metusala, found a new orchid species at Kalimantan, named Dendrobium Kelamense D.Metusala, P.O’Byrne dan J.J.Wood. The orchid is from genus Dendrobium section Calcarifera which have its center population in West Indonesia, especially in Sumatra island. And from 29 known species, 20 of them are endemic. Rio stated [...]

Largest Spiderweb On Earth

→  March 30, 2010 3

RUTENG , located in Flores Island of Indonesia, is surrounded by stark, forested volcanic hills and rolling rice-paddy plains, it’s an archetypal hill town and a cool, relaxing place. The market just to the south is the central meeting point for the local Manggarai people, as Ruteng is their district capital. They speak their own language and [...]

Who Colonized Indonesia 1,000,000 Years Ago?

→  March 18, 2010 8

Ancestors of a hobbit-like species of humans may have colonized the Indonesian island of Flores as far back as a million years ago, much earlier than thought. These early ancestors, or hominins, were previously thought to have arrived on the island about 800,000 years ago but artifacts found in a new archaeological site suggest they [...]

The World’s Smallest Sea Horse Found In Indonesia

→  March 16, 2010 1

Hippocampus satomiae, little bigger than a pea, has been found on reefs in Indonesia. Little bigger than a pea, the smallest known sea horse, Hippocampus satomiae, was discovered at a depth of about 15 meters on reefs in Indonesia, from Derawan island to northern Sulawesi and Borneo. Like other pygmy sea horses, its size and camouflage [...]

United By Kangaroo

→  March 3, 2010 3

Australia is always associated with Kangaroo, even they have more animals to be associated with. Kangaroo is very rare and ‘weird’ kind of animal, with a pocket at its tummy to carry along its babies, in addition to its 2 hands and movement by jumping instead of running. Not so many people know that Indonesia [...]

Deepest Bottom of Indian Ocean

→  February 25, 2010 3

The Indian Ocean is often thought of incorrectly as a tropical ocean. I was taught in my primary school that way. Well..check your map! It stretches southward all the way down to Antarctica. It is triangular and bordered by Africa, Asia, Antarctica, and, Australia. Although it covers about 28.5 million square miles, it is smaller [...]

Real Dragons Live In Indonesia

→  February 16, 2010 5

I met this ‘creature’ many times in my childhood, even until now, I can still find it in my hometown in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I never realized that it attracts scientists’ attention so much. This animal flies from trees to trees and climbs up at it with incredible speed. I am not sure of the scientific name [...]

Indonesia Launches The Biggest Marine Park In Southeast Asia

→  June 14, 2009 0

Reuters Indonesia has opened Southeast Asia’s largest marine park in the Savu Sea, a migration route for almost half the world’s whale species and home to vast tracts of rare coral, the country’s fisheries minister said. Environmental groups, The Nature Conservancy and WWF will help set up the reserve, where efforts will be made to stamp [...]

New Sea Creature Found In Indonesia

→  June 9, 2009 2

At under half an inch tall (13 millimeters), Satomi’s pygmy seahorse—named after dive guide Satomi Onishi—is a strong contender for the world’s smallest seahorse. With their tails stretched out straight, two Satomi’s pygmy seahorses would fit head-to-head across the face of a penny. These miniscule seahorses from Indonesian reefs have been seen giving birth to tiny [...]

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