Asian Tiger Revisited

15. April, 2009 EcoBiz 1 comment

I’ve been asked many times by many readers, regarding Indonesia in future. Let’s put down a while the Vision 2030 launched by Indonesian president, let’s go down to the earth, and further deeper to the ground, and see the roots. Let’s deal with reality. Let me share with my opinion from political perspective.

Indonesia is politically stable with vibrant democracy, press freedom, freedom to speak, and functioning check-and-balance system. Indonesia, has gain worldwide praise for its largely peaceful election (believe me, it was a very complicated electoral mechanism). When Thailand is in unrest, Malaysia faces public distrust towards its government, and The Philippines is still occupied with its problem in the south, Indonesia is remarkably calm and steady.

From the economic perspective, hemmm…i’ve been posting entries regarding our growing economy in the last five years, but lemme give you some figures. Since 2005, Indonesia economic growth is higher than the other tigers, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. In 2007, Indonesia grew 6.3%, others were less than 6 or even less than 5. In 2008, Indonesia surprisingly booked 6.2% when others fell deeper. Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand have confirmed that their economy would contract in 2009,with Singapore tops the worst downturn at 11.5%. Indonesia, is believed to (still) book 4-4.5% in 2009.

In the 90′s, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore were widely known as the ASIAN TIGERS. When their economy contracted in 1998, Indonesia suffered the most (-13.8%). The ASIAN TIGERS were tamed…

But now, as Indonesia is back on track where most (if not all) indicators are positive, the dream about ASIAN TIGER is being revisited now.  Roaarrrrr!!!

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