365Indonesia Hari 1: Pulau Derawan

Baiklah, ayo mulai!
Mad membawa kita ke tujuan pertama kami, Pulau Derawan. Terletak di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur, pulau ini adalah rumah dari salah satu resor terbaik di Indonesia, Nabucco Island Resort, selain menjadi salah satu daerah penyelaman terbaik di Indonesia dan sebagai tempat hidup makhluk laut yang sangat menakjubkan, membuat tempat ini menjadi tempat menyelam yang sangat menakjubkan.

Karena itu, sebaiknya Anda menyiapkan diri untuk berbasah-basahan selama kunjungan. Tetapi jika Anda tidak begitu suka dengan air, Anda masih bisa menikmati tempat liburan yang indah dari dek resor yang mengambang atau perahu.

Bagaimana caranya untuk ke sana? Ada beberapa cara.

Anda dapat terbang dari Jakarta, Surabaya atau Denpasar ke Balikpapan atau Tarakan dengan Garuda Indonesia atau pesawat penerbangan dalam negeri lainnya. Kemudian Anda harus pergi ke Tanjung Redeb, sekitar 50 mil dari Derawan. Kira-kira sekitar satu atau dua jam jika ditempuh dengan mobil. Tetapi jika Anda tidak sabar untuk segera sampai ke tempat tujuan, KALStar dan Deraya Airlines siap untuk membawa Anda kesana.

Dari Tanjung Redeb Anda harus menyeberang sedikit dengan kapal ke Kepulauan Derawan, tetapi Anda juga diperbolehkan untuk berenang disana jika Anda benar-benar petualang sejati.

Selanjutnya? Terserah Anda!

Sangat direkomendasikan kepada para penyelam, penyuka snorkeling, pecinta air, fotografi bawah laut dan mereka yang ingin berbulan madu.

Courtesy foto dan kredit: Mad (Derawan Sunset), Degi (cottage & boat), IndonesiaTravel
Cari tahu lebih banyak tentang Mad melalui blog travelnya Mad Alkatiri dan akun twitter @madalkatiri

Translated and rewritten for Good News From Indonesia on MSN by Cindy Frishanti

2 tahun Indonesian Future Leaders

Minggu, 2 Oktober 2011 GNFI diundang untuk hadir dalam acara ulang tahun Indonesian Future Leaders (IFL) di atamerica Pacific Place. Saya dan beberapa teman dari GNFI pun datang karena GNFI mendukung semua kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk menjadikan Indonesia lebih baik di masa depan.

Indonesian Future Leaders pertama kali didirikan pada tanggal 27 September 2009 oleh 7 orang muda penuh semangat yang punya keyakinan bahwa pemuda mempunyai kekuatan yang sangat besar untuk bisa mengubah keadaan. 7 orang itu adalah M. Iman Usman, Rahmad Dwitama, Audry Maulana, Andhyta Firselly Utami, Stephanie Hardjo, Rafika Primadesti, dan Dian Aditya Ning Lestari.

Acara ulang tahun Indonesian Future Leaders ini berlangsung dari pukul 10.30-12.30, dipandu oleh MC Donny dan diisi dengan 7 Minutes to Inspire, permainan akustik dan operet yang diperankan oleh IFL itu sendiri.

7 Minutes to Inspire adalah pidato dari 7 orang pendiri IFL, masing-masing mempunyai kesempatan untuk berbicara selama 7 menit. 7 Minutes to Inspire dimulai dari Andhyta Firselly Utami, Rahmad Dwitama, dan permainan akustik menghangatkan suasana, mereka menyanyikan ‘Happy Birthday’, ‘Moving On’ (by Andien) dan ‘Move Like Jagger’ (by Adam Levine Maroon 5), dilanjutkan lagi oleh Audry Maulana, Dian Aditya Ning Lestari dan ditutup oleh M. Iman Usman. Hanya 5 orang pendiri IFL yang mengisi 7 Minutes to Inspire karena 2 orang lagi sedang berada di Amerika Serikat.

Setelah 7 Minutes to Inspire dan permainan akustik, acara dilanjutkan dengan operet. Operet ini diawali dengan adegan 3 orang miskin yang meminta-minta seperti layaknya di jalanan dan di sekitar mereka ada beberapa pemuda yang tertidur, masih belum sadar dengan keadaan di sekitar. Kemudian para pemuda itu terbangun dan mulai melihat keadaan di sekeliling mereka dan sadar bahwa mereka harus melakukan sesuatu tentang ini. Diceritakan di operet ini mulanya para pemuda ini masih berselisih satu sama lain, tapi mereka berhasil menyampingkan perbedaan itu karena mereka tahu ada hal yang jauh lebih penting. Para pemuda ini bersatu dan lambat laun gerakan yang diinisiasi oleh mereka membuahkan hasil bukan hanya di dalam negeri tetapi juga di luar negeri, salah satunya menjadi pembicara di PBB. Ya, pemuda yang diceritakan dalam operet adalah 7 orang pendiri IFL.

Melihat operet yang ditampilkan oleh IFL membuat saya teringat dengan perkataan Bung Karno, yang selalu bergema di telinga saya akhir-akhir ini.

Beliau berkata,

“berikan aku 1000 orang tua, niscaya akan kucabut semeru dari akarnya, berikan aku 1 pemuda niscaya akan kuguncangkan dunia” (kutipan ucapan Bung Karno),

“seribu orang tua dapat bermimpi, satu orang pemuda dapat mengubah dunia” (dikutip dari Bung Karno, Penyambung Lidah Rakyat karya Cindy Adams)

dan IFL adalah salah satu bukti nyata dari perkataan Bung Karno tersebut, karena dimulai dari 7 orang muda, semangat dan visi mereka menyebar dan akhirnya berkembang seperti sekarang.

Acara ini ditutup dengan foto 5 orang pendiri IFL sambil memegang huruf IFL dan atamerica, setelah itu mereka mengajak penonton untuk bergabung bersama mereka di panggung dan menyetel lagu Katy Perry yang berjudul ‘Firework’. Mendengar lagu ‘Firework’ di acara IFL, mereka seolah-olah mengajak para pemuda melakukan apa yang mereka bisa untuk Indonesia dan tunjukkan pada semua bahwa pemuda itu lebih mampu daripada yang mereka pikirkan.

Saya punya pendapat sendiri saat mendengar lagu ‘Firework’ di IFL. Firework dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah kembang api, dan kembang api itu adalah para pemuda Indonesia. Semangat pemuda mampu memberikan warna yang indah  dan bersinar dalam gelap sebagaimana layaknya cahaya kembang api menghiasi langit malam.

Selamat ulang tahun Indonesian Future Leaders!

Written in Good News From Indonesia by Cindy Frishanti


Medals for Indonesia from Competitions Around the World

Indonesian students have won so many medals from international competition around the world including in Indonesia itself. Let’s start from the competition which was held in our beloved country, Indonesia.

Indonesia International Mathematics Competition 2011, held on 18-23 July 2011 in Bali.
1. Elementary School
Anthony William Brian, Gian Cordana Sanjaya, Alicia Maydeline (gold medals)
2. Junior High School
Agasha Kareef Ratam and Henry Wijayakusuma (gold medals)

Expo Science International Event 2011 in Bratislava, Slovakia
1. Mathematical Science Category
Authors: Muhammad Nicko Anggara Buwono & Muhammad Yusuf
From Sragen Bilingual Boarding School
2. Biotechnology Category
Authors: Kartika Dwi Baswara & Muhammad Nur Pratama
From Labschool Kebayoran Senior High
3. Chemistry Category
Authors: Rizky Rachmadina & Dita Shafrina
From Kharisma Bangsa Bilingual Boarding School, Tangerang Selatan

The 42nd International Physics Olympiad, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-17 July 2011
1. Gold medal
Erwin Wibowo (BPK Penabur State Senior High School Gading Serpong Banten)
2. Silver medal
Kevin Ardian Fauzie (Santa Maria State Senior High School Pekanbaru, Riau)
3. Bronze medal
Farhan Kholid (Sragen Bilingual Boarding School Central Java)
Luqman Fathurrohim (Sragen Bilingual Boarding School Central Java)
Imam Agung Raharja (Pribadi State Senior High School Depok)

The 22nd Intrnational Biology Olympiad 2011, Taiwan, 10-17 July 2011
- Marsha Christanvia Wibowo (silver medal)
- Thoriq Salafi (bronze medal)
- Afandi Charles (bronze medal)
- Husni Muarif (honorable mention)

The 43rd International Chemistry Olympiad 2011, Ankara, Turkey, 9-18 July 2011
1. Gold medal
Stephen Haniel Yunowo (SMAN 1 Purwokerto, Central Java)
Joses Gradhy Nathanael (BPK Penabur State Senior High School Gading Serpong, Banten)
2. Silver medal
Andhika Tangguh Pradana (Kharisma Bangsa Senior High School Tangerang)
Alimatun Nashira (SMAN 1 Yogyakarta)

The 53rd International Mathematics Olympiad 2011, Amsterdam, 16-24 July 2011
1. Silver medal
Ivan Wangsa Cipta Lingga (BPK Penabur State Senior High School Kelapa Gading, Jakarta)
Johan Gunardi (BPK Penabur State Senior High School Tanjung Duren, Jakarta)
2. Bronze medal
Tobi Moektijono (IPEKA International Christian School)
Stefanus Lie (BPK Penabur State Senior High School Tanjung Duren, Jakarta)
Ahmad Zaky (SMAN 8 Jakarta)
Pramudya Ananto (Taruna Nusantara Senior High School Magelang)

The 23rd International Olympiad in Informatics 2011, Pattaya City, Thailand, 22-29 July 2011
- Frederikus Hudi (bronze medal)
- William Gozali (bronze medal)

The Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011, New York City, July 13th, 2011
- Category: Windows 7 Touch Challenge
Team: _dreambender_
From: Telkom Institute of Technology
Imagine Cup is the world’s premiere student technology competition. It provides an opportunity for students to use their creativity, passion, and knowledge of technology to help solve global challenges and make a difference in the world. While competing for cash and prizes, students gain real-life experiences, make new friends, and change the world. The Imagine Cup is one way Microsoft encourages the brightest young minds to join together and use technology to take on the toughest problems facing our world today.

The 34th International Bridge Building Contest, Chicago, April 30, 2011
Ivana Edison from SMA Kristen Petra 1 (Rank 4) with efficiency 3408
The object of this contest is to see who can design, construct and test the most efficient bridge within the specifications. Model bridges are intended to be simplified versions of real-world bridges, which are designed to accept a load in any position and permit the load to travel across the entire bridge.

The 18th International Mathematics Competition 2011, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 28th July-3rd August 2011
- Raja Oktovin Parhasian Damanik (University of Indonesia)
- Ahmad Agung Ahkam (Telkom Institute of Technology)
- Yosafat Eka Prasetya Pangalela (Bandung Institute of Technology)
- Made Tantrawan (Gadjah Mada University)
- Rudi Adha Prihandoko (Bandung Institute of Technology)
- Satria Stanza Pramayoga (Sepuluh November Institute of Technology)
- Rizky Reza Fauzi (University of Indonesia)

ThinkQuest International Competition 2011
1. Science & Technology category (Earth Science) FIRST PLACE
Authors: Genta Indra, Ida Ayu Anom, Ika (SMAN 4 Denpasar)
Coach: Ida Bagus Astawa Udayana (SMAN 4 Denpasar)
Two of the world’s major problems, fuel shortages and pollution, can be tackled using photosynthetic organisms called algae. This team conducted research on how algae can be converted into bio-Ethanol for energy usage while significantly reducing carbon emissions.

2. Science & Technology category (Earth Science) SECOND PLACE
Author: Vilia, Ikhsan, Muhammad Labib, Tuwendy, Faisal, Ben (SMAN 48 Jakarta)
Coach: Tjandrawati (SMAN 48 Jakarta)
Can you imagine the world without trees? This project discusses paper alternatives such as bioplastic derived from potatoes, paper made from algae, everyday materials made from bamboo, and other great tree-saving ideas.

International Food Technology Competition 2011, Louisiana, June 11-14, 2011
Authors: Ricki Setyawan, Meidina Nurfitriani, Maya Mukti (University of Brawijaya Malang) FIRST PLACE

Credits: Jakarta Globe, tempointeraktif.com, okezone.com, ibo2011.org.tw, ioi2011.or.th, imaginecup.com, bridgecontest.phys.iit.edu, imc-math.org, thinkquest.org
Image Source: sobatspeedy.com

Translated and rewritten for Good News From Indonesia by Cindy Frishanti

University of Padjadjaran Students to Participate in Global Model United Nations in South Korea

This year, University of Padjadjaran (Unpad) will send their delegations to Global Model United Nations (GMUN) 2011 which will be held in Incheon, South Korea on August 10-14, 2011. The theme of GMUN 2011 is “Sustainable Development Advancing Human Progress in Harmony with Nature”.

There will be 13 students from many faculties in Unpad that will participate in GMUN where they will act as they are delegations from many countries in United Nations simulation. They are Elizabeth Arden Madonna (Faculty of Law), Meizar Usteavie (Faculty of Law), Muhammad Hidayat (Faculty of Law), Murni Handayani Sari (Faculty of Law), Rizka Mantini (Faculty of Law), Adriane Widyaningdita W (Faculty of Economics), Muhammad Ali Akbar (Faculty of Economics), Veneta Ayu Prabarini (Faculty of Economics), Afra Ahimsa (Faculty of Socials and Politics), Dyah Ayu Prima Rukmi (Faculty of Socials and Politics), Farah Rheina (Faculty of Socials and Politics), Dona Sherena Selvia (Faculty of Literature) and Dwi Fitriah Arrisandi (Faculty of Agriculture).

One of terms and conditions for people who want to participate on GMUN is they have already participated on the previous Model United Nations (MUN) before, such as Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN), World Model United Nations (WorldMUN), Jakarta Model United Nations (JMUN), Indonesia Model United Nations (IndonesiaMUN) and many more. So, GMUN is not the first MUN they participated.

“We can see how every country tries to solve problems of the world where it connected to every country as well in this event”, said Rizka when she’s been asked for how many times she had participated in MUN. She also revealed that by participating in this event, students will gain experiences and networking.

While Elizabeth revealed the reason why she is participating in this event because as university students, she has to know about international issues and learn how to diplomacy, negotiate and make relationship between countries. So the students can improve the diplomacy in Indonesia.

The delegation admits that they have prepared for many things before they leave. They said that they are doing their best to get the best result. “We are representatives from Unpad, so we must do our best so that we will not embarrassed ourselves in Korea”, said Dona Sherena. In the simulation, they will present different countries which have already been selected by event organizer. Because of that, the most important thing to do is doing some research about the country and the committee which has been selected.

“I’ve been chosen to represent Tunisia in Committee Three that discuss about education. So I must know about their government, economy and many more, especially education in Tunisia because we’ve been asked to pretend like we come from Tunisia.” explained Muhammad Hidayat.

News source: www.unpad.ac.id

Translated & rewritten for Good News From Indonesia by Cindy Frishanti
Edited by Farah Fitriani

Jatinegara, Witness of the Greatest of Napoleonic War in Asia

“The war of Jatinegara will pass 200 years in August 2011. Will this always be the biggest forgotten war of Napoleon in Asia? “

Being the center of trading activity and pulse dense and chaotic transport is a usual sight of Meester Cornelis, also known by the current name, Jatinegara. Interestingly, the density and activity in the area that is located in east Jakarta has been around for a long time, even its history, the situation is already there from the time of Dutch occupation of hundreds of years ago.

History also recorded previous important events that occurred in the area of lush teak forests. From being the center of prince Jayakarta’s guerilla until great trading in religious teacher Meester Cornelis’ era. However, something’s always forgotten, Napoleon’s greatest war in Asia.

Dutch East Indies under Napoleon

Although it’s still being debated, it should be recognized that before Indonesia was once known as the Dutch East Indies empire, it had fallen into the hands of France’s de Jure or legally. Thus, indirectly, Indonesia existed under the grip of Napoleon, the famous French leader. Indirect submission was a result of the defeat of Netherlands by Napoleon war in Europe.

because of that, Indonesia was automatically dragged into the Napoleon war in the Asian zone. Not surprisingly, Indonesia quickly became the target of the British soldier raid which was then the great enemy of France based in Malaya (now Malaysia and Singapore).

Evidence of the influence of Napoleon in homeland is the emergence of a military figure named Daendels, the originator of the Panarukan Anyer Post Road. Daendels is a Dutch-born but loyal cult of Napoleon, he received direct orders from Napoleon to keep Java from British attack. But until Daendels was called to come home by Napoleon for take part in invasion to Russia, the raid from British troops never happened.

The British attack happened when Daendels was replaced by Jansen, whose war capabilities isn’t as good as Daendels.

The Forgotten War

The landing of British troops in Cilincing, North Jakarta, 200 years ago was a very easy landing, because Jansen ran back toward the south without using perfectly the war facilities that had been prepared by Daendels. Finally the French troops gathered in Jatinegara, who was then completed by military barracks and forts.

In Jatinegara, eighteen thousand people combined forces of France, the Netherlands and the local army fought against twelve thousand people British troops.

The Two major forces then continued to attack and defend for 10 days. At that time, 10 days was a long time for a large-scale warfare. Many considerations can determine the time the war victory, not only weapons and troops, but also morale became a factor of victory.

Interestingly in this 10-day war, the British and the French were very polite and understanding. They “both knew” when to choose the hours of starting the war and take a break in the middle of the war. They would begin the attack as both sides prepared for battle at 9 am and stopped the war at 8 pm.

After the troops won in the moral conscious and the number, the British troops became more aggressive and successfully besieged French troops who already split and ran to Bogor.

One thing that’s interesting to be noted in history is the pride of the French forces. The remaining French troops who did not want to be shameful state prisoners prefer to blow themselves together in amunitions warehouse. As a result England won without capturing any of the French soldier.

Since the explosion at the warehouse and the British victory, Jatinegara has been a silent witness of 10-day war.

Different Fate of War in Trafalgar, Waterloo and Jatinegara

Although the timing of Jatinegara battle was close to the battle of Waterloo and Trafalgar in the Europe zone, its fate is never the same as the two wars in Europe.

Jatinegara War disappeared without leaving any meaningful legacy of trace. There is no monument to remember the story of this war, no attempting to make Jatinegara war stories as tourist spot, and nothing has been made for making Jatinegara as one of interesting place to visit.

No wonder our neighboring countries are able to attract much more foreign and local tourists because they can maximize the little things they have.

Will the war Jatinegara remain to be the forgotten war after 200 years?

Ask about it seriously then it will happen … just like Harry Potter movies that recently came in to the country.


Felix Kusmanto

Source: Kompasiana

Translated and rewritten for Good News From Indonesia by Cindy Frishanti
Edited by Farah Fitriani