365Indonesia Hari 33 – Tidur di Atas Pasir Pantai Ngurbloat

Pasir putih yang cantik lainnya!

Sangat menyenangkan tidur di pantai hanya untuk merasakan udara segar dan angin laut. Anda juga bisa berjemur di pantai ini.

Foto ini adalah lanjutan dari 365Indonesia hari 10. Saya katakan lagi, jika Anda menyukai pantai, pasir putih, Pantai Ngurbloat di Tual, Maluku Tenggara adalah tempat yang cocok untuk dikunjungi.



Check my travel blog Mad Alkatiri for more cool places and follow me @madalkatiri



The Coffee Nation

Banda Aceh, Aceh (ANTARA News) – Coffee exports from Aceh province in the January-December 2011 period reached a total value of US$35 million and a volume of 5,000 tons.

“The realization of coffee exports to the US rose drastically in value from the previous year due to the rising price of the commodity in the world,” head of the regional trade, industry, cooperatives and small businesses office, Cipta Hunai, said here on Friday.

The value of coffee exports from the region in 2010 were recorded at only US$19 million at a volume of 4.900 tons.

“There was a significant hike from the previous year,” he said.

He said the US was the biggest of 15 importers of coffee from the region that include Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Belgium, Britain and Sweden.

“In terms of value, exports in 2011 also rose drastically compared to the previous year when the figure was recorded at only US$29.7 million with the volume at 7.800 tons,” he said.

Coffee from Aceh is exported by 15 exporters such as CV Aridalta Mandiri, CV Putra Darma, CV Putra Rimbun, PT Intiyeri Keti Ara and KBQ Baurryan.

(KR-IFL) (H-YH/A014)

Editor: Ella Syafputri

Jakarta to have Madame Tussaud Museum

Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Indonesians no longer need to go to London or Hong Kong to visit the Madame Tussaud Wax Museum because a branch of the famed institution will be opened in Ancol Beach City, Jakarta, in late July 2012.

“The Madame Tussaud Museum to be set up in Ancol Beach City will be the largest in the South East Asian region,” Ancol Beach City manager Lukman Azis said here Wednesday.

He said Madame Tussaud museums in several countries were usually built on land lots of 2,000 square meters but the one in Ancol Beach City would sit on 3,000 square meters of land.

In addition to wax duplicates of international figures, the museum in Jakarta would also display wax statues of famous Indonesians.

However, the number of wax statues to be displayed in the museum in Ancol Beach City was still confidential.

Ancol Beach City, built on a total area of 58,000 square meters, would also feature supermarkets, children`s play grounds, 77 culinary booths, and 42 shops.

Ancol Beach City would also offer facilities for beach activities such as beach volley , banana boats, jetskies and other recreational pastimes, an international standard auditorium that can accommodate 22,000 people for national or international indoor events, Agustinus Teddy Darmanto, president director of PT Wahana Agung Indonesia, said.

Editor: Priyambodo RH

365Indonesia Day 49 – Snorkeling in Kambing Island, Tanjung Bira, South Sulawesi

Hello there.

Yup, that’s me who snorkeling in Kambing Island in Tanjung Bira, South Sulawesi.

I forget how many times I have post photos and wrote about Kambing Island. I said it again, this place is so…I still don’t find the word that can describe Kambing Island. Choose the word you like to describe Kambing Island after you see all the photos that I’ve already posted in here.



Check my travel blog Mad Alkatiri for more cool places and follow me @madalkatiri

365Indonesia Hari 32 – Pemandangan Bawah Laut Pulau Sangalaki

Halo semua!

Sudah beberapa waktu yang lalu saya tidak menunjukkan foto-foto karena saya sangat sibuk mengagumi keindahan Indonesia.

Selamat datang di Pulau Sangalaki. Pulau ini terletak di Kalimantan Timur, 45 menit dari Kepulauan Derawan jika menumpang kapal cepat (speedboat) untuk ke sana. Pulau Sangalaki dikenal dengan ikan pari manta dan penyu. Bukan hanya itu, pulau ini juga dikenal sebagai tempat penyu hijau bertelur paling penting di Asia Tenggara, bahkan mungkin di dunia. Jika Anda ingin melihat penyu sedang bertelur, Anda harus menginap di Pulau Sangalaki karena penyu bertelur pada malam hari. Ada sekitar 10-30 penyu yang bertelur di Sangalaki setiap malam dalam waktu satu tahun. Selain itu, di Sangalaki juga ada konservasi penyu yang diadakan oleh Turtles Foundation NGO, memindahkan telur-telur penyu ke tempat yang lebih aman di pagi hari.

Foto ikan pari manta diambil dari: www.wisatakita.com

Foto anak penyu diambil dari: www.beritalingkungan.com



Check my travel blog Mad Alkatiri for more cool places and follow me @madalkatiri


365Indonesia Day 48 – Diving in Pintu Kota Ambon, Maluku

Welcome back again in Ambon.

The picture above was taken when I was diving in Pintu Kota Ambon.

Pintu Kota Ambon is located in Airlouw village, 30 minutes away from Ambon by vehicle. Here you can see the beautiful scenery of Ambon Bay from the rectangular hole that located in the foot of the rock that jutted into the sea. The rectangular hole is known as ‘Pintu Kota’. It just like the entrance gate that seems to give a welcome to the tourists who want to travel to Ambon.

second photos taken from: siapaindra.wordpress.com



Check my travel blog Mad Alkatiri for more cool places and follow me @madalkatiri

365Indonesia Hari 31 – Patung Christina Martha Tiahahu di kala Senja di Karang Panjang, Maluku

Halo dari Maluku!

Patung di atas adalah patung Christina Martha Tiahahu, perempuan pahlawan dari Maluku. Patung ini terletak di Karang Panjang, Ambon. Saya akan menceritakan sedikit tentang pahlawan ini.

Christina Martha Tiahahu adalah putri Nusantara pertama yang melawan kolonialisme Belanda. Dia mungkin tidak seterkenal Cut Nyak Dien atau pun R. A. Kartini, tapi percayalah, apa yang dilakukannya demi negeri ini sangat luar biasa.



Check my travel blog Mad Alkatiri for more cool places and follow me @madalkatiri


Meet Indonesia’s 8-Year-Old Author

Celestine Jovanna Wenardy is no ordinary girl. In school, the 8-year-old learns her lessons quickly, and has received accolades for her performance in mathematics. But Celestine is also easily bored, and requires outlets to burn her creative energy, or large doses of books to satisfy her unrelenting curiosity.

At age 3, Celestine started reading children’s books and learning English from her parents, and would borrow stacks of titles from the library, especially children’s fiction and science texts. She was also given writing assignments as early as kindergarten.

She has already authored two children’s books, and is preparing for the official launch this month of “The Enchanted Spell,” a 27-page children’s book that her parents have helped her publish.

“Apparently, all this time she has been writing stories,” said Delin Haryati, Celestine’s mother. “She even planned an outline of a long story, chapter by chapter.”

The story of “The Enchanted Spell” follows a witch who ruins the friendship of three best friends, a ladybug, a bumblebee and a butterfly. The book is written in English with a compelling plot on par with other children’s titles from authors not nearly as close in age to their works’ target audience.

Celestine, a third-grader at Binus International School in Serpong, Tangerang, said it took her one week to write “The Enchanted Spell” when she was in the second grade. She said she often writes short stories in a notebook — under her desk during class.

“It was unauthorized, but I was bored,” she said. Celestine hid her writing, but her teacher eventually discovered her prose.

When Delin and her husband, Buntoro Rianto, heard from the teacher of their daughter’s extracurricular writing, they were not surprised. Celestine started talking at an early age and showed an exceptional curiosity, especially when it came to books.

Delin said they often went to the bookstore, and Celestine always wanted to bring home a pile of books ­— and not just children’s books.

Celestine is also interested in anatomy and descriptions of how the human organs function. “I love science, math, English and BI [Bahasa Indonesia],” she said.

“She learns very fast and gets bored very easily at school. At one point, she became an attention seeker,” Buntoro said.

In kindergarten, Celestine displayed certain strange behaviors, such as a tendency to eat paper. The high-energy author-to-be demanded the full attention of her teacher. To settle Celestine, her teacher gave her a special writing project to keep her busy. And so her passion began.

Celestine’s kindergarten teacher suggested that Delin and Buntoro publish Celestine’s stories on one of the many self-publishing platforms now available.

“We decided to do it because we want to balance her right brain, and teach her about attitude,” Buntoro said. “We always ask her to point out the moral of the story.”

They named their self-publishing company BlueShiningstar, a label Celestine chose, saying it is roughly the meaning of her name.

Delin said they will initially publish “The Enchanted Spell” on a small scale, about 1,000 books. She and Buntoro also self-funded the cost of the publishing, and say 30 percent of the profits will be donated to the Books for Hope Foundation. “The Enchanted Spell” will be available at Jakarta’s Aksara bookstore starting sometime around mid-January for Rp 55,000 ($6).

Celestine’s second title, “Hayley, Best Elf-Friends Forever,” is already completed. Celestine tackles the topics of friendship and family in her second book, which her parents plan to publish in February. Like her first book, Celestine had some ideas for what she wanted the book’s imagery to look like. Her family hired an illustrator and editor to work with her to bring the story to life.

Celestine confesses that art is not yet among her many talents. “I can’t draw,” she said, embarrassed and hiding her face in her palms when her parents open her notebook to show her sketches.

Like most writers, the 8-year-old is very particular about her process. Celestine said she writes when she’s bored, which is mostly at school. She said she prefers to write in English because it is the language she feels most comfortable using.

“I don’t like to write at home because my parents may come into my room,” she said. “I can’t lock the door because my mom will be very angry.”

Celestine said she finds inspiration in her school life and likes to write fantasy stories that are rooted in themes of friendship. She is well read when it comes to the prominent authors of the children’s genre, such as Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl and J.K. Rowling. Celestine said she does not remember all their titles, but she remembers the names.

“I’ve finished reading ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ four times now,” she said.

“Goblet of Fire,” it’s worth mentioning, is more than 600 pages in length.

Now that her parents are aware of her gift, Celestine said she is eager to write more books. Still, she does not like to show her writing to adults.

“I always show my story to Flo [her best friend] first, because she can keep a secret and she is always right,” Celestine said. “If Flo thinks it’s good, I will continue to write. If she doesn’t like it, then I’m going to change it.”

“Right now, I’m writing the sequel to my second book. I think my books can help my friends and other kids in learning English,” she added.

When she grows up, Celestine does not want to be a doctor or an architect, which are among the more common aspirations for children her age.

“I don’t know which one I want to be, a writer or a scientist,” she mused, looking at her father for approval or guidance.

“Don’t ask me, it’s all up to you,” Buntoro replied.

“Maybe I’ll be both, or if I fail to be a scientist, I can be a writer,” she said.

Source: The Jakarta Globe

365Indonesia Hari 30 – Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara


Saya sudah menulis tentang Air Terjun Sipiso-piso, salah satu tempat wisata di Sumatera Utara. Hari ini saya akan menceritakan tentang Danau Toba.

Danau Toba adalah danau terbesar di Indonesia, danau terbesar kedua di Asia Tenggara dan danau vulkanik terbesar di dunia! Danau Toba terletak di kabupaten Simalungun di Sumatera Utara dan Parapat adalah sebuah kota kecil di pinggir Danau Toba.

Parapat berjarak 176 km dari Medandan bisa ditempuh selama kurang dari 6 jam jika menggunakan bus umum. Bus ini memiliki dua rute: Medan-Parapat atau melalui Medan-Berastagi dengan tarif sekitar Rp30.000,00.

Anda bisa menyewa taksi pribadi ber-AC dari Medan ke Parapat dengan tarif seharga Rp65.ooo,00 sekali jalan. Perjalanan ini memerlukan waktu sekitar 4 jam. Agen travel di Medan juga bisa menyediakan mobil sewaan  dengan supir untuk Anda.

Medan adalah pintu gerbang internasional. Sejumlah penerbangan terbang setiap hari antara Medan dan kota besar lainnya di Indonesia dan penerbangan internasional juga berangkat dari Medan ke Malaysia, Singapura dan Thailand.

Saat Anda sudah tiba di Parapat, Anda bisa menaiki kapal feri ke Pulau Samosir. Kapal feri berangkat setiap satu setengah jam mulai dari pukul 9 pagi – 5 sore. Dua tempat berlabuh di Pulau Samosir adalah Desa Tomok atau Tuk Tuk, dimana hotel dan restoran di pulau itu berada.

Tersedia bus umum jika Anda datang dari daerah sebelah selatan melalui Bukittinggi dan Tarutung.

Artikel di ambil dari www.indonesia.travel



Check my travel blog Mad Alkatiri for more cool places and follow me @madalkatiri

365Indonesia Day 47 – Anemon Fish in Derawan Island, East Kalimantan

Hello from Derawan island.

I’m sure that I have posted many photos about Derawan island before. Here is another photo to remind you that if you visit Derawan island, make sure you go diving and snorkeling there.



Check my travel blog Mad Alkatiri for more cool places and follow me @madalkatiri