Land platform

Written by Akhyari Hananto Administrator at GNFI
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Christopher F Foss, London

An agreement to jointly develop a new medium tank was signed between the Indonesian and Turkish governments in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 6 February. Turkish company FNSS Savunma Sistemleri will work with local company PT Pindad to develop the tank for the Indonesian Army.

It is understood the new tank will be of a conventional design, fitted with a turret armed with a 105 mm rifled gun and 7.62 mm co-axial machine gun (MG) coupled to a computerised fire control system. For ease of deployment in Indonesia it is expected to have a combat weight of about 25 tonnes.


FNSS has extensive experience in the design, development, and production of wheeled and tracked armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs), with the latter including the Armoured Combat Vehicle (ACV) family of vehicles, which have been built in significant numbers for the home and export markets.

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