“Twitterpated” is a seldom used term that describes the rush of emotions one feels when one falls head over heels in love. One thing is for sure: the bustling city of Jakarta, Indonesia is “twitterpated” with social networking device Twitter, placing it above Tokyo, London, Sao Paulo and New York in terms of Twitter activity.

These are the findings of Semiocast, a Paris-based research company. Bandung, Jakarta’s neighboring city and Indonesia’s second largest metropolitan area, ranked sixth.

The study also found that in six short months, the number of users across the board on the social media site had increased by 50 percent.

Twitter is still growing fast in the region, long after its heyday with the popularity of social networking sites during the Arab uprisings of last year.

Twitter maintains a very strong presence in the Arab world, with Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh ranked number ten on the list. The number of registered users in the kingdom grew by more than 93 percent in six months, to reach 2.9 million users. Arabic is also now the sixth most popular language on Twitter, used in 2.8 percent of all public tweets.

The United States remains the leader in terms of overall share of Twitter users, with 27.4 percent, with 141.8 million accounts. Users in the U.S. posted 25.8 percent of all public tweets in June 2012.

It most be noted that while the U.S. is the leader in terms of share of accounts, growth is higher elsewhere.

The registration rate in Brazil is extremely high. The number of Twitter accounts increased from 33.3 million to 41.2 million between January and July of this year. Brazilians now represent eight percent of all Twitter accounts.

Japan lost its footing as being second place in the user rankings to Brazil, but continues to have one of the highest rates of usage.

In June 2012, 10.6 percent of all public tweets were posted from Japan, while Japanese users represent 6.7 percent of all Twitter users. Japanese remains the second most used language on Twitter after English.

Tokyo ranked second on the list of most active cities by tweets, followed by London, Sao Paolo and New York to round out the top five.

The top ten countries most twitterpated by Twitter are the U.S., Brazil, Japan, the UK, Indonesia, India, Mexico, Canada, Spain and the Philippines.

© 2012, Catholic Online. Distributed by NEWS CONSORTIUM.