World’s Biggest Library

Posted on June 13th, 2009 at 6:24 pm by Ian


University of Indonesia will have the largest library in the world starting next December 2009. They are still finishing the library on 2,5 acre University of Indonesian campus areas in Depok, two kilometers from the Indonesian capital city of Jakarta. The library have a building size of 30.000 m2, 8 level of story. This building is an existing current library. The construction will start at Monday, June 1, 2009, and we will spent the budget about $100 million.

The building will build base on the “sustainable building” concept which we will use a solar energy. Inside the building will construct without any plastics materials. All the library building and surround areas are free of smoking areas, save an energy, save a water network, and use a recycle paper. So that is why this library will be the largest, the most modern and the most beautiful library in the world.

I always love books!

Pic from detikFoto.

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